Safety Tips for Urban Drivers

Urban driving can be a challenge for anyone, but even more so for new drivers. Narrow streets, heavy traffic, and crowds of pedestrians can make city driving a nerve-wracking experience. These safety tips from Allen Jones Insurance Agency in Seguin, TX can help enhance safety and take the stress out of urban driving. 

Urban Driving Safety Tips

Patience and alertness are key to smooth-city driving. Here are a few ways to keep your cool and stay alert on city streets:

  • Make use of navigation apps to get around, especially if you’re new to the city. These apps are free and can help you get to your destination quicker with fewer risks.
  • Always signal when changing lanes or turning to give other drivers fair notice of your intentions, so they can plan accordingly.   
  • Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination to avoid speeding or driving haphazardly to get to your meeting on time.
  • Drive defensively but courteously to encourage everyone else to do the same. This makes for a safer, more pleasant commute.
  • Slow down at intersections and watch for pedestrians crossing the street unexpectedly. Pay special attention to people entering and exiting cars parked on the side of the road. 
  • Focus on driving and don’t get distracted by texts on your phone, music on the radio, other passengers, or the myriad of pedestrians walking on the sidewalk.
  • Keep a safe distance from other drivers, even in stop-and-go traffic. This gives you space to maneuver out of a tight spot if you have to or react quickly if the guy in front of you brakes suddenly.

Importance of Auto Insurance

Make sure your auto insurance is up-to-date and that you have the protection you need for urban driving. For quality auto coverage at affordable costs, contact Allen Jones Insurance Agency in Seguin, TX.

The Importance of Liability Insurance for Small Businesses

Small businesses in Seguin, TX are essential components of the local economy. As such, they face several risks and challenges daily, from difficult customers and harsh competition to lawsuits and property damage. One of the best ways for these businesses to protect themselves from these threats is to get liability insurance. Allen Jones Insurance Agency explains why it should be a priority for any entrepreneur.

Why Liability Insurance

Protecting Your Business

Liability insurance protects small businesses from accidents, damage, and other liabilities. For instance, a customer could slip and fall on your premises or get injured by your product or service, leading to costly lawsuits and medical expenses. Liability insurance covers these costs and ensures your business can continue operating without experiencing severe financial setbacks.

Complying with Legal Requirements

Texas requires most businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance, general liability insurance, and other forms of insurance, depending on their industry and operations. Not complying with these regulations could lead to fines, penalties, lawsuits, and legal fees that could devastate your business.

Credibility and Professionalism

Customers are more likely to trust and engage with a business with insurance coverage since it implies professionalism, responsibility, and credibility. Therefore, investing in liability insurance for your business could improve your reputation and attract more customers.

Peace of Mind

Running a small business comes with several uncertainties and risks. It could be challenging to sleep well at night, knowing that a lawsuit or accident could put your entire livelihood at risk.

We Are Here To Help

Liability insurance is a critical investment for small businesses in Seguin, TX. It protects your business from financial losses and liabilities that could lead to bankruptcy, lawsuits, and reputational damage. Call Allen Jones Insurance Agency to get the liability insurance coverage that matches your business’s industry and operations.

Tips to prepare your home for a storm

Storm season can be a scary time of year for many people here in the Seguin, TX area. Preparation is key to helping make sure that your family and home stay safe during this time of year. Here are some tips from us at Allen Jones Insurance Agency to help you prepare your home for an upcoming storm. 

Tips to prepare your home for a storm

1. Secure loose items outside

Make sure to secure any outdoor furniture, decorations, or debris that could be moved around by strong winds. 

2. Trim trees and shrubs

Be sure to prune any trees or shrubs that may be near your home, as these can become hazardous if they fall onto your house during a storm. 

3. Prepare windows and doors

Caulking around windows and doors can help prevent them from leaking water in the event of heavy rain or flooding. Additionally, you should tape up plywood over windows with high wind projections to prevent them from breaking in high winds. 

4. Strengthen roof protections

Reinforcing your roof by adding straps or clips to secure it against wind gusts can help protect it from damage caused by high winds or flying debris. 

5. Store extra supplies

Stock up on flashlights, batteries, food, water, and first-aid supplies just in case the power goes out during a storm. This will help ensure that everyone’s safety is taken care of if the power is down for an extended period of time following a storm. 

Keep Your Home Insurance Updated

By taking the time to prepare ahead of a storm, you can rest assured knowing that your home is as safe as possible in the event of bad weather conditions. For more tips and for your insurance coverage, call us at Allen Jones Insurance Agency today. We are proud to serve the Seguin, TX area.

What You Need To Know About Bonds Insurance

Bonds insurance is an important type of insurance policy for business owners in certain lines of work. Here at Allen Jones Insurance Agency, we want to help business owners in Seguin, TX and the surrounding areas better understand this type of insurance. 

What Is Bonds Insurance?

This type of insurance is designed to work among three parties. The insurance company, the business purchasing the insurance, and a third party whose performance is being insured. This means that you as the employer are purchasing the insurance coverage to cover your employee’s behavior and performance when doing their job.

This type of insurance is often needed for companies that are working inside people’s homes, working with their children, or working on their vehicles. You need this type of coverage any time there is a chance that an employee’s behavior or performance might cause damage to property or injury to an individual. 

How Does This Coverage Work?

When you have bond insurance in place, it means that the insurance policy will pay for expenses of a liability that might result from your employee’s behavior or performance. For instance, if you owned a house cleaning service in which employees enter clients’ homes, and an employee damaged something in the home. A claim could be filed to pay for the expense of the damage. 

What Happens Without Bond Insurance?

Certain types of businesses need bond insurance to even operate legally. In addition to this, potential customers and clients want to see that you have this type of insurance place before they will choose to do business with you. This is an investment you make to bring peace of mind to customers and to protect yourself from liability. 

We Are Here To Help!

If you would like to learn about commercial insurance and how it can help your business, please contact us at Allen Jones Insurance Agency serving Seguin, TX and the surrounding areas.  

Builder’s Risk Insurance in Texas: Here’s the Lowdown

Construction projects, whether small-scale or large-scale, often involve a significant investment in terms of time, money, and resources. As such, it’s essential to ensure that these projects are adequately protected from potential risks and damages. Builder’s risk insurance is a vital coverage that safeguards your construction projects in the Lone Star State.

Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving the greater Seguin, TX community, is here to assist with the relevant facts. 

The Importance of Builder’s Risk Insurance in Texas

Builder’s risk insurance is a specialized type of property insurance that covers property owners, contractors, and builders for damages that may occur during the construction process. These damages can include fire, theft, vandalism, and weather-related events. The policy typically covers the construction materials, labor costs, and in some cases, equipment and temporary structures used on-site.

Our team understands the unique challenges faced by construction professionals in Texas. We offer comprehensive builder’s risk insurance policies tailored to meet the specific needs of your construction project. This ensures that your project in the city of Seguin, TX and the surrounding areas is protected from unforeseen circumstances and financial loss.

When working with us, you can expect personalized service and expert advice on selecting the right coverage for your project. We will assess the unique risks associated with your construction site and recommend an insurance solution that provides the best protection. With our extensive knowledge of the construction industry, you can be confident that your project is in good hands.

Reach Out To Us

Securing a builder’s risk insurance policy is a crucial step in safeguarding your construction project in Texas. We at the Allen Jones Insurance Agency offer customized solutions to protect your investment from a range of risks and potential damages. 

Visit or call us for more information on builder’s risk insurance and other valuable resources to help you navigate the complex world of insurance coverage.

How Car Maintenance Can Decrease Your Chances of Being Involved in an Accident

At Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving the Seguin, TX area, we trust that our clients want to do everything they can to reduce the risk of being in a car accident. No one ever wants to be involved in a car accident, and it’s important to do what we all can to prevent these potentially life-changing incidents. There are many things drivers can do to decrease their accident risk, including following the speed limit and taking defensive driving courses.

A frequently overlooked way to reduce your risk of being in an accident is by performing regular car maintenance. 

Proper Car Maintenance Ensures Your Tires Are Safe

A common but preventable reason why accidents occur is that the car’s tires were not inflated to the correct setting, or had lost too much traction with use, and were unfit to be on the road. Making sure your tires are securely attached, properly inflated, and have proper traction can help avoid accidents.

Routine Maintenance Minimizes Unexpected Stalling

Someone may rear-end you if your vehicle suddenly dies or stalls in traffic because they did not expect you to stop. Cars can suddenly die from common but preventable issues, and by performing regular vehicle maintenance, you can keep yourself and other road users safe.

Proper Car Maintenance Keeps Your Car Going Straight

Another important aspect of regular car maintenance is making sure your tires are aligned, which helps your car travel straight. This helps to keep you safe while driving and decreases the chance that you will get into an accident.

Give Us A Call

At Allen Jones Insurance Agency, we know that our clients want to do everything they can to help keep Seguin, TX safe. You want to make sure your auto insurance completely protects and covers you in the event of an accident. Give us a call today so we can find the policy that fits your needs.

Here’s How Commercial Insurance Lowers Risks For Businesses

There’s a good chance that you’ve dreamed of starting and owning a company. With the right products, strategies, and effort, you may be able to set up a profitable enterprise. That said, starting and managing a business can be a risky endeavor. Fortunately, there are steps you can take, like getting commercial insurance, that will lower risks.

If you’d like to discuss your business and insurance options, feel free to get in touch with Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX and other areas nearby. With that said, let’s take a look at how commercial insurance can mitigate risks.

Benefits of Commercial Insurance

Reduce Liabilities

Civil litigation is rather common, and often business owners find themselves in court. An employee might get hurt while performing their duties, for example. Or a customer might slip on a wet floor. Many other liabilities can crop up.

While it’s crucial to remember that each plan has its own fine print, commercial insurance could provide protection from many liabilities.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Tornadoes can cause widespread damage, destroying businesses and homes alike. Ditto for hurricanes, blizzards, forest fires, and the like. If your company ends up destroyed and you’re not properly insured, you may lose some and even all of your investment.

Many commercial insurance plans provide coverage for natural disasters. What’s covered may vary from plan to plan, so it’s smart to talk with an insurance agent about options.

Other Threats and Risks

Commercial insurance plans often provide additional coverage. The right insurance plan will cover theft, arson, vandalism, and more.

Contact Us Today

Whether you’re starting a new business or maintaining an established one, it’s wise to take out commercial insurance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving Seguin, TX and beyond.

Here’s How Commercial Insurance Lowers Risks For Businesses

There’s a good chance that you’ve dreamed of starting and owning a company. With the right products, strategies, and effort, you may be able to set up a profitable enterprise. That said, starting and managing a business can be a risky endeavor. Fortunately, there are steps you can take, like getting commercial insurance, that will lower risks.

If you’d like to discuss your business and insurance options, feel free to get in touch with Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX and other areas nearby. With that said, let’s take a look at how commercial insurance can mitigate risks.

Benefits of Commercial Insurance

Reduce Liabilities

Civil litigation is rather common, and often business owners find themselves in court. An employee might get hurt while performing their duties, for example. Or a customer might slip on a wet floor. Many other liabilities can crop up.

While it’s crucial to remember that each plan has its own fine print, commercial insurance could provide protection from many liabilities.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Tornadoes can cause widespread damage, destroying businesses and homes alike. Ditto for hurricanes, blizzards, forest fires, and the like. If your company ends up destroyed and you’re not properly insured, you may lose some and even all of your investment.

Many commercial insurance plans provide coverage for natural disasters. What’s covered may vary from plan to plan, so it’s smart to talk with an insurance agent about options.

Other Threats and Risks

Commercial insurance plans often provide additional coverage. The right insurance plan will cover theft, arson, vandalism, and more.

Contact Us Today

Whether you’re starting a new business or maintaining an established one, it’s wise to take out commercial insurance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving Seguin, TX and beyond.

Is Home Insurance Mandatory in Seguin, TX?

It is quite an achievement to own a home of your own. Home is most definitely one of the places where you spend a lot of time in your day. You are most likely to have kept some of the most valuable possessions in your house. All things considered, you need the right coverage to protect your assets and belongings  in case of potential damage.

While it is not a requirement by law to have home insurance in Seguin, TX, but it is a worthwhile investment. Allen Jones Insurance Agency is here to help. 

What Your Home Insurance Protects

Your building.

There are a number of things that may cause destruction to your building. It could be natural disasters or even people who may attempt to break into your building. In such an occurrence, your repairs are covered by insurance.

Your belongs.

In the event that destruction has occurred in your building or there has been theft that has led to loss of your belongings, your coverage will therefore play a part in compensation for the lost or destroyed items.

Treatment of injuries sustained.

At the time of calamity, if there were people in the house or within the compound, then home insurance would help cover the treatment of the individuals. This will help to protect you from potential lawsuits that are likely to be filed against you.

Extra expense.

In case the house has been damaged to the extent of being inhabitable, home insurance will therefore intervene by covering the extra expense involved with moving to a temporary residence.

Give Us A Call

Are you a resident of Seguin, TX or surrounding areas? Allen Jones Insurance Agency will help you with considering a number of factors that will go along with selecting the insurance policy that will be a great fit for your home. Contact us today! 

What is Bond Insurance and Who Can Benefit From It?

While there are many types of insurance products that you may be familiar with, there are equally as many insurance products that you may be unfamiliar with. Here at Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving the greater Seguin, TX region, one of the insurance products that we offer is called bond insurance.

This is not a type of insurance that many people are familiar with, and as such, you may be wondering what it is and who can benefit from it. Our team of insurance experts is here to assist with all your queries.

What Is Bond Insurance? 

Bond insurance is insurance that is designed to offer compensation if a contractor does not comply with the terms of their contractor. Building contractors are the most common type of company to secure bond insurance. They tell customers that they will complete a home, building, or renovation project to their satisfaction by a specific date.

If the job is done incorrectly or not by the estimated date, the individual who hired the contractor can file a claim against the insurance and be compensated for any losses or expenses caused by the contractor not fulfilling their obligation or contractual duties. 

Who Can Benefit From Bond Insurance? 

Bond insurance can benefit the customers who hire contractors, and contractors themselves. When you hire a contractor that has bond insurance, you know that the contractor has insurance if the job is not completed correctly or they run behind schedule. As a contractor, you know that you have insurance to protect you against running behind schedule or mistakes, helping to protect you against lawsuits in these situations. 

Contact Us Today

If you are a contractor who guarantees your work will be completed properly and/or by a certain date, your clients may want you to purchase bond insurance to ensure that you can back up the claims you make. At Allen Jones Insurance Agency, we can help contractors and business owners in the greater Seguin, TX region purchase bond insurance. Reach out to us today to obtain an estimate or to start the process.