What are the risks of not having commercial insurance

Business insurance remains one of the biggest expenses for many companies and small businesses. However, without insurance, your business is open to numerous risks. Also, operating a business without insurance means being unprepared if something goes wrong with your product or service. Keep reading this blog post to know more about the risks you may face if you decide to skip or cancel your commercial policy. 

What are the risks of running a company without commercial insurance?

Here is a list of the most common risks that many companies face: 

  • Financial risk. Unexpected situations happen every day. Floods, fire, vandalism – these are just a few examples. The worst thing about them is that you cannot predict them. If you do not have commercial insurance, the situation can be even worse because you will have to cover all the expenses associated with these events out of pocket. 
  • Legal risks. Clients and customers often take legal action against businesses. Lawsuits are usually expensive and physically and emotionally draining. Without insurance, you remain entirely unprotected and have to deal with such situations yourself. 
  • Risk of losing your business. As mentioned above, many catastrophic events can destroy your business. If you do not have commercial insurance, you must restore or lose your business. 

One of the best things you can do for your business and yourself as a business owner is to purchase commercial insurance. Even if it seems like a waste of money, it can save you thousands of dollars. Are you shopping for business insurance in Seguin, TX, or nearby? Allen Jones Insurance Agency is here to assist you. We know everything about insurance and will help you find the perfect policy. 

What is the best kind of commercial insurance for my small business?

Insurance is not something you want to skimp on. As a general rule, you should have insurance for anything you will not be able to pay for on your own if something were to happen. It can be difficult to figure out which kinds of events are the biggest risks for a Seguin, TX small business. Allen Jones Insurance Agency can explain your options and help you to evaluate your current needs.

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

Many small businesses choose to purchase a BOP.  A Business Owner’s Policy combines the most important kinds of insurance in one package, helping you to save money and coordinate claims. 

A Business Owner’s Policy combines these important protections:

  • General liability insurance protects your business in case anyone is injured or property becomes damaged because of your business operations, products, or service. 
    • Commercial property insurance protects your physical assets, including your building, tools, equipment, inventory, and other items. 

 Commercial Auto Insurance

Your business needs to have commercial auto coverage if you use any vehicles in the course of business, even if you are using personal vehicles instead of vehicles purchased for the company.

Workers’ Compensation

If your business has any employees, workers’ compensation insurance will protect you in case of injury.

Professional Liability Insurance

If your business depends on professional services, this kind of insurance will protect you in case of mistakes.

Health Insurance

You can choose from among several different policies and companies.

Call Today To See Your Options

What works for one business might not work for another, and your needs today might change tomorrow. You should always feel free to make any changes as needed. If you want to make sure that you have enough protection for your Seguin, TX small business, call Allen Jones Insurance Agency today.

The Importance of Liability Insurance for Small Businesses

Small businesses in Seguin, TX are essential components of the local economy. As such, they face several risks and challenges daily, from difficult customers and harsh competition to lawsuits and property damage. One of the best ways for these businesses to protect themselves from these threats is to get liability insurance. Allen Jones Insurance Agency explains why it should be a priority for any entrepreneur.

Why Liability Insurance

Protecting Your Business

Liability insurance protects small businesses from accidents, damage, and other liabilities. For instance, a customer could slip and fall on your premises or get injured by your product or service, leading to costly lawsuits and medical expenses. Liability insurance covers these costs and ensures your business can continue operating without experiencing severe financial setbacks.

Complying with Legal Requirements

Texas requires most businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance, general liability insurance, and other forms of insurance, depending on their industry and operations. Not complying with these regulations could lead to fines, penalties, lawsuits, and legal fees that could devastate your business.

Credibility and Professionalism

Customers are more likely to trust and engage with a business with insurance coverage since it implies professionalism, responsibility, and credibility. Therefore, investing in liability insurance for your business could improve your reputation and attract more customers.

Peace of Mind

Running a small business comes with several uncertainties and risks. It could be challenging to sleep well at night, knowing that a lawsuit or accident could put your entire livelihood at risk.

We Are Here To Help

Liability insurance is a critical investment for small businesses in Seguin, TX. It protects your business from financial losses and liabilities that could lead to bankruptcy, lawsuits, and reputational damage. Call Allen Jones Insurance Agency to get the liability insurance coverage that matches your business’s industry and operations.

Here’s How Commercial Insurance Lowers Risks For Businesses

There’s a good chance that you’ve dreamed of starting and owning a company. With the right products, strategies, and effort, you may be able to set up a profitable enterprise. That said, starting and managing a business can be a risky endeavor. Fortunately, there are steps you can take, like getting commercial insurance, that will lower risks.

If you’d like to discuss your business and insurance options, feel free to get in touch with Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX and other areas nearby. With that said, let’s take a look at how commercial insurance can mitigate risks.

Benefits of Commercial Insurance

Reduce Liabilities

Civil litigation is rather common, and often business owners find themselves in court. An employee might get hurt while performing their duties, for example. Or a customer might slip on a wet floor. Many other liabilities can crop up.

While it’s crucial to remember that each plan has its own fine print, commercial insurance could provide protection from many liabilities.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Tornadoes can cause widespread damage, destroying businesses and homes alike. Ditto for hurricanes, blizzards, forest fires, and the like. If your company ends up destroyed and you’re not properly insured, you may lose some and even all of your investment.

Many commercial insurance plans provide coverage for natural disasters. What’s covered may vary from plan to plan, so it’s smart to talk with an insurance agent about options.

Other Threats and Risks

Commercial insurance plans often provide additional coverage. The right insurance plan will cover theft, arson, vandalism, and more.

Contact Us Today

Whether you’re starting a new business or maintaining an established one, it’s wise to take out commercial insurance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving Seguin, TX and beyond.

Here’s How Commercial Insurance Lowers Risks For Businesses

There’s a good chance that you’ve dreamed of starting and owning a company. With the right products, strategies, and effort, you may be able to set up a profitable enterprise. That said, starting and managing a business can be a risky endeavor. Fortunately, there are steps you can take, like getting commercial insurance, that will lower risks.

If you’d like to discuss your business and insurance options, feel free to get in touch with Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX and other areas nearby. With that said, let’s take a look at how commercial insurance can mitigate risks.

Benefits of Commercial Insurance

Reduce Liabilities

Civil litigation is rather common, and often business owners find themselves in court. An employee might get hurt while performing their duties, for example. Or a customer might slip on a wet floor. Many other liabilities can crop up.

While it’s crucial to remember that each plan has its own fine print, commercial insurance could provide protection from many liabilities.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Tornadoes can cause widespread damage, destroying businesses and homes alike. Ditto for hurricanes, blizzards, forest fires, and the like. If your company ends up destroyed and you’re not properly insured, you may lose some and even all of your investment.

Many commercial insurance plans provide coverage for natural disasters. What’s covered may vary from plan to plan, so it’s smart to talk with an insurance agent about options.

Other Threats and Risks

Commercial insurance plans often provide additional coverage. The right insurance plan will cover theft, arson, vandalism, and more.

Contact Us Today

Whether you’re starting a new business or maintaining an established one, it’s wise to take out commercial insurance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Allen Jones Insurance Agency, serving Seguin, TX and beyond.

Do I need insurance for my LLC in Texas?

Allen Jones Insurance agency serves our business customers with several options for commercial insurance. If you have an LLC, you may think your personal assets are protected, but there are exceptions. An LLC is a business structure that can offer some liability protection for its owners. However, this does not mean that an LLC does not need business insurance. Businesses of all types can be at risk for lawsuits, property damage, and other losses. 

This is why business insurance is so important for LLCs

Business insurance can help cover the costs of lawsuits, property damage, and other losses that your LLC may incur. Without business insurance, you could be personally liable for these costs, which could put your personal assets at risk. So, if you have an LLC, make sure you have the right business insurance in place to help protect your business.

If your LLC is sued, business insurance can help cover the costs of legal fees and other damages that may be awarded. This can help you protect your personal assets, as well as the assets of your business. Without business insurance, you could be personally liable for these costs, which could put your personal assets at risk. So, if you have an LLC in Seguin, TX, make sure you have the right business insurance in place to help protect your business.

Contact Us Today

An LLC can help protect your personal assets in the event of a lawsuit, but it will not cover business losses. Without business insurance, you could be personally liable for lawsuits, injuries, or other financial losses, which could put your personal assets at risk. So, if you have an LLC, make sure you have the right coverage by calling the Allen Jones Insurance Agency in Seguin, TX today.

Do Online-Based Businesses Need Commercial Insurance?

Taking your business online opens up new markets that would be out of reach if you were only operating a brick-and-mortar business. But as you digitalize your business, you may wonder what kind of insurance you need. The reality is that business insurance for online-based businesses isn’t that different from that of conventional companies. Allen Jones Insurance Agency provides you with this guide on the commercial insurance options to consider for your e-business. 

Do Online-Based Businesses Need Commercial Insurance?

Worker’s comp insurance

If you have workers in your organization, you should invest in worker’s comp insurance to cover employees’ medical costs when illnesses and work injuries occur. Worker’s comp insurance also covers partial loss of wages and final expenses for employees.

Property insurance

You probably have assets like computers, inventories, and warehouses. Like any other valuable thing, you need to protect your business assets with insurance. Property insurance compensates you whenever damage or loss occurs to your business assets.

Liability insurance

It only takes one liability claim to sink your business. For instance, assume you supply products. After consumption, your customers complain that your product is detrimental to health. After investigation, it’s found that indeed your products have adverse effects on human beings. What follows is a flurry of lawsuits, and if you don’t have sufficient liability coverage, the liability claims can be too much for your business to handle.

Cyber liability insurance

With increased internet usage, there has been a proliferation of cyberattacks targeting businesses. You probably have read about high-profile hacking cases targeting big companies in the news. Your small business is also vulnerable to cybercriminals, and that’s why you need insurance to cushion your business when faced with malicious online activities.

Commercial insurance in Seguin, TX

Are you ready to get started with commercial insurance? If you are in Seguin, TX and its environs, please get in touch with Allen Jones Insurance Agency for a personalized quote.



Commercial insurance FAQs

Owning a business, no matter what the size, is risky. Today, it is riskier than ever. Knowing your risk is important. A trusted insurance agent can help you to identify and mitigate with the correct commercial insurance coverage. Different businesses have different risks, and ensuring your insurance gives you the right protection can save your business. At Allen Jones Insurance Agency in Seguin, TX, we work for our customers, and we will make sure you have the coverage you need and aren’t paying for any you don’t need. 

Is commercial insurance required in Texas?

The only type of commercial insurance required by law in Texas is commercial auto insurance. All vehicles owned by a business must have 30/60/25 coverage. This liability coverage protects others who are injured or have their property damaged by one of your vehicles. 

Do I need to have workers’ compensation insurance?

The reality is you don’t need to have a workers’ compensation insurance policy, but that does not mean you are not liable to pay for any illness or injuries that are a result of work. That is written into Texas law. Workers’ compensation insurance can be a good financial decision to pay these claims. 

What commercial insurance should I have for my small business?

Most small businesses can benefit from, at the very minimum, commercial property and liability insurance. This protects your business from legal dangers as well as physical hazards like fire and severe storms. 

Do home businesses need commercial insurance?

Yes, they do. Your personal insurance may refuse to pay claims involving your business Talk to your insurance agent about what coverage you need. 

When you need to talk to an independent insurance agent about your commercial insurance needs, contact Allen Jones Insurance Agency in Seguin, TX.

Why should a Texas business get commercial insurance?

In the Seguin, TX area, there continues to be a strong local economy and a desire to support local businesses. Due to this, the city can be a great place to start a small business. When you start a business here, you also need to spend time assessing your insurance needs. There are several reasons why a business in Texas should get a commercial insurance policy. 

Insurance is a Requirement

One of the reasons that a business in Texas should get commercial insurance is that it could be a requirement for you. When you own a business, you will have to comply with a variety of insurance requirements that can include obligations set by a lender, landlord, or investor. These stakeholders want to ensure that your company is protected and will set commercial insurance requirements for you to maintain. If you do not carry the insurance at all times, you could find yourself in default.

Insurance Gives Valuable Coverage

Even if you do not have any insurance requirements, you should still get a commercial insurance policy to give your company important coverage. When you get a commercial insurance policy, it will give you coverage for your business assets and provide liability insurance protection. Both of these forms of insurance could keep your company solvent if there is ever an accident or other situation that results in a loss.

Having commercial insurance is always going to be important for companies in the Seguin, TX area. While choosing a policy can seem complicated, the team at Allen Jones Insurance Agency can make it much easier for you. If you call the Allen Jones Insurance Agency team, you can learn a lot more about your options and get into the best policy possible.