Three Factors to Consider When Getting Auto Insurance

Shopping for auto insurance may feel stressful at first as there are a lot of factors to consider. Fortunately, a bit of research and time could make the whole process much easier. Talking with auto insurance pros is wise as well. Contact the Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX, if you’d like further advice.

Should You get Full Coverage or Limited Liability Insurance?

Many drivers opt for full coverage auto insurance. This insurance typically covers damages and medical costs for drivers and their passengers and anyone else (such as another driver) injured in a car accident. Further, damage to your vehicle may be covered as well.

Limited liability insurance typically covers other parties but may not cover you completely. For example, if your car is damaged in an accident, you may have to pay out of pocket for repairs.

Deciding between full and limited liability insurance is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when selecting an auto insurance plan.

What Other Events and Damages Are Covered?

When shopping for auto insurance, you need to consider the multitude of things that could impact your car. Is weather damage covered by a specific plan? How about vehicle theft? What if someone steals something, say a laptop, that was inside the car?

By examining individual auto insurance plans or talking with an insurance pro, you can figure out exactly what’s covered.

How Much is the Deductible?

Many auto insurance plans include a deductible. This means your insurance provider may not cover costs until you reach a certain threshold. Instead, you might have to pay out of pocket for repairs and the like. Often, you can select different deductibles when setting your auto insurance policy.

Many other factors should also be considered while shopping for car insurance. Contact Allen Jones Insurance Agency, which serves Seguin, TX, for professional advice.